Hello Digital Entrepreneur Readers! Welcome to the InnerOS by Untapped Lab.

As you were reading, there are two runways in entrepreneurship: money and energy.

Though there are countless systems to manage money, we rarely create systems and processes to manage our internals.

Your internals (mindset, emotions, thoughts, feelings, beliefs) can greatly effect the outputs you need to consistency produce or create.

What do you actually mean by “inner operating system”?

Instead of a haphazard dabbling in activities and tasking, imagine having a simple, repeatable system you could fall back on to manage the inner game.

The same way we build operating systems to manage teams and tasks, we can also build an inner operating system for our beliefs and behaviors.

Outer vs. Inner OS.png

Let’s do a quick self-assessment:

InnerOS Framework

InnerOS Model.png

🔥🔥🔥 Open each toggle for a burning question:

Design focus, flow and momentum on a daily process that moves you towards a clear vision.

Energy Self-Assessment (10 questions):

How well are you managing your inner game?

Add up your scores with Strongly Agree = 3, Somewhat Agree =2, and Strongly Disagree =1.

If you scored under 20, you would greatly benefit from tapping more energy potential! ⚡ Each of these have practices you can use to cultivate new skill or deepen the grooves on existing behavior.

<aside> <img src="/icons/clock_gray.svg" alt="/icons/clock_gray.svg" width="40px" /> These self-assessments offer a glimpse into the need to systematize your “inner game” – so you can do more, with ample energy, in less time.


First things first: get the foundations right with this cheatsheet!

Download this printable cheatsheet on setting up some basic habits to manage your energy consistently.
